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Bride & Grooms Pre-Register

Visit one of our ‘A Kentish Wedding’ exhibitions and you will meet some of the best and most informed wedding suppliers in the region.  These suppliers care about ensuring your wedding day is one to remember and are looking forward to chatting to you to answer any questions you may have about their product/service and your wedding planning as  a whole.

All of our wedding fairs have free entry and you will also receive a free goody bag on arrival.  If you pre-register and attend you will also go into the draw to win a great prize.  Prizes in the past include a champagne balloon flight, a spa day or a £150 goody bag – so it's well worth a visit.

If you register for our events you will be entered into our competitions and receive a goody bag.  By registering you agree to receive an email from exhibitors taking part on the day.  You can entering without registering however you will not receive the goody bag or be entered into the competitions.

Our fairs are very relaxed, there is no hard-selling and the idea is to enhance the experience of your engagement as you browse ideas and visualise the theme you want to bring to life on your wedding day.

A Kentish Wedding are a small company looking to make a big impression and we welcome your feedback, both positive and negative about our fairs.  
Please email with your views.
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